Remote Gambling Act

This bill modernizes the Betting and Gambling Act (Wok) and the Betting and Gaming Tax Act (Wet KSB) by making online games of chance possible under strict conditions. The government wants to regulate the current and future need for games of chance via the Internet and other future electronic means of communication and to ensure that the player has a suitable and attractive offer with guarantees against gambling addiction and crime. Remote games of chance are games of chance in which the player participates online and without physical contact with (the staff of) the organizer of the games of chance.

This proposal breaks the monopoly of traditional land-based sports betting. In order to prevent gambling addiction in online gambling as much as possible, there will be a central register for the exclusion of games of chance (CRUKS) and additional supervisory and enforcement powers for the games of chance authority.

New gambling law as of 1 October 2021

Since April 1, 2021, the Kansspelen op afstand (Koa) Act has been in effect in the Netherlands. This allows you to offer online gambling since October 1, 2021. This was previously prohibited. The law also affects physical gaming halls and casinos. Read the background of the Act on Distance Gaming, what has changed and what conditions you must meet to offer online gambling.

The new law is an addition to and an amendment of the law on gambling. Do you want to offer a game of chance online? Like bingo, poker, casino games and sports betting. Then you can apply for a license from the Kansspelautoriteit (Ksa) since April 1, 2021. In addition to online gambling being possible, new rules also apply to physical and existing gaming halls and casinos. For example, for both physical and online gambling there is an identification requirement, age verification and a players' register that lists persons who are not allowed to gamble online.

The Gambling Act was passed in 2016

The proposal (EK 33.996, A) was adopted by the House of Representatives on 7 July 2016. PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, Van Vliet, Klein, the Kuzu / Öztürk Group, Houwers, the VVD, the Bontes / Van Klaveren Group and the PVV voted in favor.

The plenary debate by the Senate took place on 5 February 2019 and continued on 12 February 2019. During the debate, six motions were submitted on 12 February 2019. The Senate adopted the proposal on 19 February 2019 after a vote by sitting and standing.

For: VVD, PvdA, GroenLinks, D66 and PVV.

Against: SGP, ChristenUnie, CDA, PvdD, 50PLUS, OSF and SP.

Distance Gaming Act

The Act on Remote Gaming regulates the online provision of gambling in the Netherlands and allows the Gaming Authority, under strict conditions, to grant licenses for the provision of online gambling on the Dutch market. The Act aims to prevent gambling addiction, combat gambling-related fraud and crime, and protect players. Some of the measures also apply to casinos and slot machine halls. They must develop, maintain and apply a more stringent addiction prevention policy. The Games of Chance Authority will have more powers and be better able to supervise and control.

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