September 30, 2022 - 10:38 am

Eindhoven residents pick up big cash prizes during Millionaire Hunt

Eindhoven's Marc seemed somewhat caught off guard when Sunday night Winston Gerschtanowitz suddenly showed up on his doorstep with a big cash cheque. It turned out he was the home winner of Miljoenenjacht and thus received 147,000 euros.

Studio winner

He won the same amount that studio winner Peter had tallied with the Golden Suitcase Game. He won the same amount that studio winner Peter had tallied with the Golden Suitcase Game. In the Miljoenenjacht studio with Linda de Mol, Peter wins 147,000 euros. That same amount goes to a home winner, so Winston gets to hit the road again. He rings the doorbell at a house in Eindhoven where it is already pitch dark. And waits... And knocks... And waits... And rings the bell once more. "Good evening!", Winston calls up from the front garden. "It can't be that in all these years we are now standing in front of a closed door?" 

It was a good evening for several Brabanders anyway, as the same amount is also distributed among Eindhoven residents with postcode 5627 CZ (Mulhouselaan in Woensel-Noord) who play along with the Postcode Lottery. Manon van Ree from Loon op Zand went home with 28,000 euros in the exit round, as no one pressed the button.

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