Dutch Postcode Lottery

The Nationale Dutch Postcode Loterij was founded in 1989 to support good causes working towards a just, healthy and green world. The lottery raises funds for its charities and publicises their work. With the Postcode Lottery, your postcode is your lottery number. That means you win together with your neighbours. Today, 3 million households play the lottery. Participants have the chance to win hundreds of thousands of prizes every month and support 149 charities with at least 40 percent of their ticket price.

Dutch lotteries are known for their support to charities, and the Dutch Postcode Lottery is one of them. Every lottery ticket that is bought contributes to a better world. This is because of the fact that 50 percent of the revenue is donated to charities. So this lottery is not only good the participants, but for the worldas well. This has to give you a good feeling!

How do I play the Postcode Lottery in the Netherlands?

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A lottery ticket costs €15 per draw. There are 14 draws per year and you play for as long as you want.

A Postcode lottery ticket costs €15 per draw. A Plus lottery ticket costs €17.50 per draw. A Premium lottery ticket costs €20 per draw. There are 14 draws per year, you can change your subscription whenever you want and you play for as long as you want. You will play as of draw March.

How do I play the Postcode Lottery?

The Postcode Lottery gives players the chance to win all of the prizes in its monthly draw if they play before 29 July at 16:00. Players use their postcode to try to win 2x € 4 MILLION and 3x € 1 MILLION, as well as their ticket to try to win 10x € 25,000 and 62x € 1,000. Tickets cost $14.50 per draw and there are 14 draws per year. You can play as long as you like. There is also an instant chance to win $10,000. Other prizes are also available. Within the time frame of this promotion, the instant win amount of 10000 Euros can be won. As soon as the deposit for your ticket(s) has been cashed, or in case of a free ticket, you receive a written confirmation (by mail or e-mail) of your ticket number(s), the 10000 euro will be immediately deposited into your account. Within this promotion you can play a maximum of 2 lots per IBAN. As soon as you register, you will receive your lottery numbers.

Who are the winners of 2023?

Four Post Lottery participants in Hoogeveen with postcode 7905 HN (street: De Vink) have won prizes. This postcode has been awarded the Postcode Street Prize of €25,000. Winners of this street prize also raffle off a car. Post Lottery ambassador Gaston Starreveld recently surprised one lucky winner with a cheque.

Rika and Henk entered two lotteries and won €50,000. Asked if they already had a prize-winning destination, they replied, "We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in June." We also wanted to buy new dining chairs said the prize winners.

Coincidentally, Rika and Henk have a neighbour who lives further down the street, also called Rika. She also entered the lottery and won €25,000.

How many draws does the Postcode Lottery have?

The Postcode Lottery offers 12 monthly draws and 2 additional draws per year. If you already participate in the game, you have a chance to win all prizes in one of the monthly draws. The Kanjer-prize is a huge amount, up to $ 58.9 MILLION. Everyone who buys lottery tickets for the Postcode Lottery automatically earns Kanjer-points. You receive 10 Kanjer-points for every ticket bought, and the more points you save, the greater your chance of winning a Kanjer-prize when your postcode is drawn.

Draws postcode lottery 2023

  • January di. 31-01-2023 woe. 01-02-2023
  • February Fri. 28-02-2023 Wed. 01-03-2023
  • March Fri. 31-03-2023 Sat. 01-04-2023
  • April Sun. 30-04-2023 Mon. 01-05-2023
  • May Wed. 31-05-2023 Thu. 01-06-2023
  • June Fri. 30-06-2023 Sat. 01-07-2023
  • July Mon. 31-07-2023 Tue. 01-08-2023
  • August Thu. 31-08-2023 Fri. 01-09-2023
  • September Sat. 30-09-2023 Sun. 01-10-2023
  • October Tues. 31-10-2023 Wed. 01-11-2023
  • November Tues. 30-11-2023 Fri. 01-12-2023
  • December Mon. 01-01-2024 Sun. 01-01-2024
  • 13th draw Fri. 30-06-2023 Sat. 01-07-2023
  • 14th draw Fri. 28-12-2023 Mon. 01-01-2024

Three Dutch lotteries working together

The Dutch Postcode Lottery is part of a so-called ‘holding’. It means that it’s part of an organization that consists lotteries in total. These are the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the BankGiro Lottery and the Friends Lottery. Together they form the ‘National Charity Lotteries Holding NV’. The non-profit lotteries have been coming together since 2014. Together they want to support hundreds of charities. Each of them focuses on different fields in the Netherlands. The Dutch Postcode Lottery supports organizations that focus on man and nature. Think about the support for refugees, for example. The BankGiro Lottery donates money to hundreds of charities in the cultural field, while the Friends Lottery on well-being and health.

Raising money for charities

In almost three decades the Dutch Postcode Lottery has done a lot of good things. Nowadays it donates to 95 charities in total. Of course the organizations are very content with the help. The Dutch Postcode Lottery was established in 1989 by three businessmen who strived find a way to raise money for charity. By creating a lottery there was no need to organize actions all over again. Just the lottery would be enough to raise money in a structural way. The businessman wanted to support man and nature especially. They definitely succeeded, because over the years the Dutch Postcode Lottery has given an incredible amount of money to charities.

Win a lot of cash Dutch Postcode lottery

The draws of the Dutch Postcode Lottery take place every month and mid-year. At the end of the year it also organizes an extra draw. Perhaps you’ll start the new year as a millionaire. In total there are fourteen draws a year. The prize could fall on a ZIP code or a unique ticket. Each week some place in the Netherlands wins the ‘Postcode Street Price’. The lucky participants win 12,500 euros for every lottery ticket. If you play along with the StraatPrijsVerdubbelaar this could even be 25.000 euros! All participants can play automatically. This means that you don’t have to buy a lottery ticket every time to participate in the draw. Other nice prizes Cash prizes are added automatically to your account. However, the Dutch Postcode Lottery does not only gives some very nice prices away also with new games like deal or no deal. You could also win nice products like books and jewelry. Some people even win a car or a stay in a luxurious hotel.

Earn points for the ‘Postcode Kanjer’

Perhaps you’ve already seen commercials for the so-called ‘Postcode Kanjer’. This is the grand prize of this lottery. People win millions of euros when the Postcode Kanjer happens to fall on their zip code. Participants can earn ‘Kanjer’ points if they play in the lottery. This is not very difficult, because every draw gives you ten ‘Kanjer’ points. So the longer you play, how more points you will have. This makes it also worthwhile to buy several tickets. You will then receive the ‘Kanjer’ points much faster. Every January the number of points goes back to zero.

Ambassadors Postcode Kanjer

Last year you could win an incredible amount of money in the The Postcode Kanjer. The prize pool consisted 43.9 million euros! Of course more people won the lowest cash prize of 12.50 euros. Interesting about the Dutch Postcode Lottery is that it uses several Dutch celebrities as so-called ‘ambassadors’. For example, Humberto Tan is a well-known face of this lottery. Another familiar face is Gaston Starreveld. Every week he suprises people in the streets with the ‘Postcode Street Prize’. These people win 12.500 or even 25.000 euros per lottery ticket! The Dutch lottery even gets support internationally by former American president Bill Clinton and Archbishop Desmund Tutu.

Postcode lottery odds

Your chance of winning in the Dutch Postcode Lottery depends on several factors. First of all, the number of participants. If many people play with your zip code, then it’s more likely that your zip code will win a prize. The winning chances also depends on the various kinds of prizes. As been said before, the Dutch Postcode Lottery does not only gives away money, but also products, small vacations and cars. Of course the chance of winning a smaller prize is much higher than a bigger one. On average you have a winning chance of 1:6 in the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

Discover the world, pay your debt or whatever you like

Winners of the Dutch Postcode Lottery have made their dreams come true. Perhaps you’re having a big dream as well. What about a trip around the world, or a cruise on the Caribbean Sea? Everything is possible with money. Some people also save it for their house, business or the study for their children. Paying a debt or a portion of the mortgage also gives a sense of relief. By participating in this lottery you also contribute to a better world. That feels good! Even if you don’t win, your money is still went spent. Since the establishment of the lottery, there has been more than € 4.7 billion euros donated to various charities!

Millions to charities

Anno 2016, the Dutch Postcode Lottery supports 95 different organizations working in the field of man and nature. In 2015 it donated 328 million euros to charities. 50 percent of the revenue is for charities, thirty procent is spent on prizes and about 19 percent goes to recruitment and other costs incurred by the organization.

Fear to be beaten

All the prizes in the Dutch Postcode Lottery are divided by a ZIP code. This also has a negative side. People who do not participate feel that they have missed the boat. It could happen that the Postcode Kanjer falls on your ZIP Code. However, you don’t win a cent if you’re not a participant in the lottery. Other lotteries don’t play with this element, and The Postcode Lottery has been severely criticized for it. A better world One of the advantages of the Dutch Postcode Lottery, if you’re a participant at least, is that your whole street wins. So you can celebrate with the whole neighbourhood. Besides that, there’s also a lot of support to hundreds of charities. This is actually the main goal of the Dutch Postcode Lottery: raising money for charities and foundations in the field of man and nature. It’s very proud to be the largest charity lottery of the Netherlands.

Responsible Gaming' certificate'

Novamedia/Postcode Lottery Group received the 'Responsible Gaming' certificate from European Lotteries, the European umbrella organisation for national lotteries. This is a certificate on responsible gaming. Novamedia/Postcode Lottery Group joined as a member of European Lotteries (EL) in 2021. All EL members are required to meet a wide range of standards on responsible gaming. For example, how they comply with all laws and regulations on responsible advertising, and how they contribute to broadening and deepening scientific understanding about the potential risks of some games of chance.

Fines for Postcode lottery for illigal games on website

Order imposing periodic fines on the National Postal Code Lottery. The Gaming Authority (Ksa) has issued periodic fines orders against the National Postcode Lottery and Friends Lottery for offering online games that are not permitted under their lottery licences.

The National Postcode Lottery offers lottery games on its own website, including games like Big Deals, Find the Suitcase, Head 50 and Move That Truck. Ksa has determined that this is an online game of chance. These games are not part of the lottery license of the National ZIP Code Lottery.


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